COVID19 Update

The latest information for COVID19


Dear Patients,

From 1st November 2023 we will be implementing the new NHS fee structure. This means that most fees will have changed for those patients who are not exempt. Examinations will still be free for all patients and we will provide cost estimates routinely or on request. For those you started treatment prior to 01/11/2023 the costs will remain unchanged. Please note that the default recall period for NHS patients is now one year but may be more or less than this, depending on your assessed disease risk. More information about the new contract and recall intervals can be found at

With regards to COVID, some of the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) COVID-19 prevention guidance has been eased. This has allowed us to increase the number of patient appointments we have available.


However, it is still not a return to ‘service as normal’. IPC guidance means that we still have to screen patients for COVID-19 prior to their appointments. I am also pleased to say that we now have a ‘Patient Portal’ system which automates this screening process for us. Please follow the link in the text message reminder you receive prior to your appointment and fill in the Covid screening, medical history and oral health questionnaire. For those unable to use the Patient Portal, you will be screened by telephone or when you arrive for your appointment. We have also now switched to using ‘Clinipads’ which allows all forms to be filled in and signed electronically. Reception staff will assist you if required.

For patients who are deemed ‘low risk’ of covid following screening, treatment will be as normal.

For those who have covid, or are deemed ‘high risk’ of infection, treatment will be delayed until you are ‘low risk’ or if you need to be seen urgently we will use our enhanced PPE and full covid prevention measures.

We still ask that patients contact the practice by telephone or email to arrange appointments rather than attend in person.

Dental practices are still facing a significant backlog of treatment caused by the pandemic. We ask that you be understanding as we are working hard to meet demand. we have been sending out recalls but if you have been missed, please call to arrange an appointment.

The new NHS contract means we spacing routine examinations 12 months apart depending on your risk, to free up more appointments for treatment.

In the meantime we strongly advised you to maintain good oral hygiene for yourself and your family as prevention is always better than cure! Minimise sugar intake and snacking.

​Our NHS lists are currently full, however for those patients who are keen to be treated privately or be seen every 6 months we do offer a Dental Plan for £14 pcm. This covers you for 2 examinations, 2 scale and polishes and any X-rays you require each year, as well as giving 20% off the cost of any treatment required.

We can also see non-registered patients privately on a cost per item basis depending on availability of appointments. Exam, scale and X-rays £90.

We still ask that appointments be pre-arranged by telephone or email. To reduce crowding, we ask that you attend alone where possible.

The staff will be dressed in PPE as this is the advice from our governing body. We will however continue to provide you with the best service we can in these difficult circumstances.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

West Calder Dental Care – 
There is a self help guide “Managing Dental Problems at Home”
that can be downloaded –